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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Vintage Florals, Pasty Skin and Pale Lavender Hair!

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It's always nice to get your pasties out in the summertime - and nope, I don't mean the cornish pasty type!

I can hear most of you saying:  'What is she banging on about now?!'

Well, I'm talking about legs! Getting those white pasty legs out is something us brits fear every spring time. After months being tucked away beneath jeans, thick tights and Long Johns (no?!) who could blame us for being a tad nervous giving them their first airing in many months?

Personally, I prefer to have pale skin myself - I got tanned on holiday last year; I didn't like it at all - So this year I am determined to stay pale, pasty and happy, whilst getting the pins out too - yep, I must buy some more sunscreen before it gets too hot!

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I quite like this little summer dress I picked up last week in a charity shop, and whilst not actually true vintage - it could be: made of light cotton with a cute watercolour floral print. It's a little shorter than I would usually wear (It would practically be a mini dress on someone taller than 5'4") .....but whatever, you only live once right?

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  1. there's absolutely nothing wrong with pale skin... pale doesn't mean wrong :) I prefer it and skin that get's too much sun-tanning on it through its life tends to age not as well :)

    1. Yes - Toughened old leather is not a desired look, unless it's on a handbag ;)

  2. lol I have to admit when you said Pasties I laughed , as a burlesque dancer that's a whole other kettle of fish :) we are just heading into winter here so my legs will go into hibernation mode and I suspect will be an mystical shade of white/ blue in no time. xx

    1. Haha - I can imagine, although I won't ask for further details ;)

  3. Esme and the laneway does it better ;) inspired much?

    1. She probably does: she's younger, prettier and slimmer. Although, I do have to question why you'd feel the need to come here and tell me that?! Loving vintage is a universal thing, so I don't see your point.

  4. LOVE your hair!! and that dress is very cute on you!

    check out my new blog

