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Friday 17 January 2014

Brooches, Sherlock and a Little Cumbercrush.............

vintage Brooches

Hello :)

I'm so glad it is Friday - finally! Infact, I think this is the most relieved I've ever been to reach the weekend - it means, for one thing, I can lay-in tomorrow morning and catch-up on some much needed sleep. Besides, it also means after a week of eating super healthy, I can have a nice glass of wine tonight, perhaps a little chocolate too. Then tomorrow (Yes, I've actually made a plan) I am determined to crack on with some decorating that needs finishing around the house - It has needed doing for a fair few months now; I shall procrastinate no more! 

Also, thank you all for your lovely comments on my last post, the support is very much appreciated and I'm feeling so much better now thanks  x

So, I've kinda taken a couple of days away from blogging to clear my head and reset my bearings I guess.........oh, and to watch Sherlock, lots of Sherlock in fact! Seriously, how did I not know how amazing it was until now? We've just finished watching season 2 on Netflix, so we're not far from being up-to-date with the serious Sherlockers.
I think ( like the rest of the nation) (well, most likely the rest of the nation) that I maybe developing a slight schoolgirl crush on Benedict Cumberbatch ....maybe ;) Well, I mean seriously - who wouldn't?

Have you been watching Sherlock? Do you have a Cumbercrush?

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  1. I'm so glad that you discovered how wonderful Sherlock is. I absolutely love it and I'm so sad that the season is now over. Oh, well. I'll just drool over Cumberbatch in all the other things he's done. :)

    1. Oh God, we've watched they all now.......I really don't know what I'm going to do! Crazy huh? I remember feeling this way when Breaking Bad finished :(

  2. I've been urged to watch Sherlock by several people whose taste I trust, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm sure I'll get there eventually! Good luck with your decorating, I wish you a productive yet restful weekend!

    1. Wow, it, but be warned, you'll need to free up at least a week :D Hehe, you'll love it x

  3. Very cute!)))Beautiful brooches!Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know in my blog. xoxo

  4. Awww.. brooches are soooo nice!

  5. I definitely have a little...massive crush on benedict cumberbatch - I loved Sherlock season 3! Can't wait for season 4 x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

    1. I only have a little......MASSIVE crush too ;) How positively naughty hehe x
