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Thursday 30 January 2014

A Diary for A Diary and a Mid-Weekly Round-up......

pinkkitsch 2

Hellloo.... Well, it's been totally a long week with so much going on and so much to think about. I have decided that tomorrow I am on the hunt for the perfect blogger diary. Frankly, I appear to be the most unorganised person in bloggersville....I have a fun blog post idea, then get distracted by something random on the TV - 5 minutes later I'm wracking my mind and kicking my own behind because I forgot - again! It's strange to think about a keeping a diary really, when the whole blog is a diary essentially. A diary for a diary.......interesting concept!

I mean, sure I think about ideas and outfits for posts among other things, but usually I don't plan further ahead than a day or two. Sometimes (erm, well actually only twice if I'm honest...) I've been a week ahead with writing posts.....then I've gone and had an uneventful, lazy week and I'm back to square one. Yep, a diary it definitely the way to go - I hope I can find a cute one too, writing in prettier things help inspiration you know ;)

chocolate orange cake

One thing I did discover this week was this AMAZING Chocolate Orange Cake (think Terry's Chocolate Orange in Cake form but better!) from a new cafe/bakery near where I live, well actually to say I discovered it would be a lie, one of the girls from work bought it in for me (Thanks Nicki)  - This cake is yumminess Personified!

So, obviously I wanted to replicate this cake at home (Obviously!) for the family of course, not for me or anything (ahem!!). I think I've finally managed to get a close match in taste and texture, or near enough anyway. If anyone would be interested in a recipe post for this - let moi know :)

giant vint

Giant Vintage sent me a little package this week - I will be showing more of this on the blog soon!

Lush Bathbomb

I have been enjoying some serious Lush baths too this week......I got bought a few bath bombs for Christmas and kinda forgot all about them. I just thought they looked so pretty fizzing and dissolving little iridescent space bubbles all over my hands - just wish the lighting was better for the picture!

Hope you're all having a super week so far :)


  1. Your kitchen is so pretty and colourful and I definitely want the recipe for the chocolate orange cake!

    1. Done - consider it on my list of 'Things To Do' :)

  2. What a nice post! Ive been meaning to get a daily planner of some kind for blog bits to as I usually dont manage to plan more than a day ahead either lol.

    Love your hairstyle to :) x

    1. I bought my planner/diary, I spent 45 minutes in paper chase, think the staff were giving my odd looks! I'm indecisive ;)

  3. I maybe on a post Christmas/pre wedding diet but I think I may also be in need of this recipe as I LOVE terrys chocolate orange!!!!

    1. I shall post next week :) It's very morish, not ideal for the diet haha!

  4. hmm that chocolate orange cake looks so yummm! love your blog! mind to check out mine? maybe we can folow each other :)

  5. wow such a lovely lady! i also have a new blog, it talk abouts lots of stuff, such as hairstyles, makeup, clothing (vintage), food,ect! can you check it out? :)

    thank you!
