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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Departing Slumber, Spring Sunshine and a Happy Dog........


With the sun appearing - or so it seems - less often than is preferable, in my mind anyway; I feel the somewhat natural instinct to close my eyes and absorb the delectable, re-energising warmth of the sun. Enjoying every second, every minute of what may come, of what he will offer up - for however long it may last!

I've been so exhausted lately; sleep, sleep and sleep some more. Even something as simple as putting the washing machine on is soul consuming about right now! Dramatic? Indeed. But it will pass, so whatever - I will ride the storm!

It's been so lovely that "Mr Sun" has been projecting his healing rays today. I've taken advantage - of course. It'll certainly help to pull me out of this deep slumber!

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Harrison enjoys splashing around so much, even in the flooded park - he doesn't care :)

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1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful the sun is shining! I can’t wait for it to start shining over here again. I’m so ready for some Vitamin D and to feel its warmth. Enjoy the day!
