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Monday 10 June 2013

New Reading Glasses and a lack of Sunshine (Again!)..........

Good Morning Afternoon, just a quick one before I run off to do the I need to do! Blimey I make myself sound so proactive - hmmmm, I consistently procrastinate - and I mean everyday!

So anyway, before I force myself out of the door I took a pic of my new reading glasses.........Poundland beauties - did I mention I love a bargain? They remind me of the type of glasses my grandad wore in the 60's! Many would see this as a bad thing! 

I was also thinking I need to invest (not heavily) in another lens for camera, I use the 50mm one almost all the while whilst we continue to have really low lighting here in the UK, but the lack of zoom is a real pain in the butt.........I'm continually changing between my two lenses - if anyone can help with this please let me know! 

I'm still learning to use all the manual settings properly, so maybe it's something I'm doing with regards to the lighting - or maybe I'm just hopeful of some sunlight - Ugh, I do love England, but the lack of UV rays do not help matters.......

Right, the time has come to flee out of the door and into the gloom :( haha! x

1 comment:

  1. I really love your hair color
    Love love love your blog!
    Just seen it today and I'm glad.

    Do you want to follow each other? GFC, Bloglovin, FB, etc. Let me know :D

    Kenneillia M.
    The Style Vow
